Version 25
This is the complete list of members for Ogmg, including all inherited members.
active | Ogmg | |
addAdjustmentForSingularProblem(int level, int iteration) | Ogmg | |
allGrids enum value | Ogmg | |
allLevels enum value | Ogmg | |
alpha | Ogmg | |
alternatingLineJacobi enum value | Ogmg | |
alternatingLineSmooth(const int &level, const int &grid, bool useZebra=true) | Ogmg | |
alternatingLineZebra enum value | Ogmg | |
applyBoundaryConditions(const int &level, const int &grid, RealMappedGridFunction &u, RealMappedGridFunction &f) | Ogmg | |
applyBoundaryConditions(const int &level, RealCompositeGridFunction &u, RealCompositeGridFunction &f) | Ogmg | |
applyFinalConditions() | Ogmg | |
applyInitialConditions() | Ogmg | |
applyOgesSmoother(const int level, const int grid) | Ogmg | |
assignBoundaryConditionCoefficients(realMappedGridFunction &coeff, int grid, int level, int sideToCheck=-1, int axisToCheck=-1) | Ogmg | |
assumeSparseStencilForRectangularGrids | Ogmg | |
assumeSparseStencilOnRectangularGrids enum value | Ogmg | |
averageCoefficients(Index &I1, Index &I2, Index &I3, Index &I1p, Index &I2p, Index &I3p, Index &J1, Index &J2, Index &J3, TransferTypesEnum option[3], const realSerialArray &cFine, realSerialArray &cCoarse, int ipar[]) | Ogmg | |
averageEffectiveConvergenceRate | Ogmg | |
bc | Ogmg | |
bcDataSupplied | Ogmg | |
bcParams | Ogmg | |
bcSupplied | Ogmg | |
bcTest() | Ogmg | |
bogusRealArgument1 | Ogmg | static |
bogusRealArgument2 | Ogmg | static |
boundaryCondition | Ogmg | |
boundaryConditionData | Ogmg | |
buff | Ogmg | |
buildCoefficientArrays() | Ogmg | |
buildExtraLevels(CompositeGrid &mg) | Ogmg | |
buildExtraLevelsNew(CompositeGrid &mg) | Ogmg | |
buildPredefinedCoefficientMatrix(int level, bool buildRectangular, bool buildCurvilinear) | Ogmg | |
buildPredefinedEquations(CompositeGridOperators &cgop) | Ogmg | |
buildPredefinedVariableCoefficients(RealCompositeGridFunction &coeff, const int level) | Ogmg | |
canInterpolateQuality1 enum value | Ogmg | |
canInterpolateQuality2 enum value | Ogmg | |
canInterpolateQuality3 enum value | Ogmg | |
canInterpolateQualityBad enum value | Ogmg | |
canInterpolateQualityVeryBad enum value | Ogmg | |
canInterpolateWithExtrapolation enum value | Ogmg | |
canNotInterpolate enum value | Ogmg | |
checkFile | Ogmg | |
checkForBetterQualityInterpolation(realSerialArray &x, int gridI, InterpolationQualityEnum &interpolationQuality, CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, int i, int iv[3], int grid, int l, intSerialArray &inverseGrid, intSerialArray &interpoleeGrid, intSerialArray &interpoleeLocation, intSerialArray &interpolationPoint, intSerialArray &variableInterpolationWidth, realSerialArray &interpolationCoordinates, realSerialArray &inverseCoordinates) | Ogmg | |
checkParameters() | Ogmg | |
chooseBestSmoother() | Ogmg | |
cMG | Ogmg | |
coarseGridSolverTest(int plotOption=0) | Ogmg | |
coarseToFine(const int &level) | Ogmg | |
coarseToFine(const int &level, const int &grid) | Ogmg | |
coarseToFineTest() | Ogmg | |
computeDefect(int level) | Ogmg | inline |
computeDefectRatios(int level) | Ogmg | |
computeLeftNullVector() | Ogmg | |
constantCoeff enum value | Ogmg | |
constantCoefficients | Ogmg | |
createNullVector() | Ogmg | |
cycle(const int &level, const int &iteration, real &maximumDefect, const int &numberOfCycleIterations) | Ogmg | |
cycleResults | Ogmg | |
CycleResultsEnum enum name | Ogmg | |
debug | Ogmg | static |
debugFile | Ogmg | |
defect(const int &level) | Ogmg | |
defect(const int &level, const int &grid) | Ogmg | |
defectMaximumNorm(const int &level, int approximationStride=1) | Ogmg | |
defectMG | Ogmg | |
defectNorm(const int &level, const int &grid, int option=0, int approximationStride=8) | Ogmg | |
defectPerCycle enum value | Ogmg | |
defectRatio | Ogmg | |
directSolver | Ogmg | |
displaySmoothers(const aString &label, FILE *file=stdout) | Ogmg | |
equationCoefficients | Ogmg | |
equationToSolve | Ogmg | |
evaluateTheDefectFormula(const int &level, const int &grid, const realArray &c, const realArray &u, const realArray &f, realArray &defect, MappedGrid &mg, const Index &I1, const Index &I2, const Index &I3, const Index &I1u, const Index &I2u, const Index &I3u, const int lineSmoothOption) | Ogmg | |
fineToCoarse(const int &level, bool transferForcing=false) | Ogmg | |
fineToCoarse(const int &level, const int &grid, bool transferForcing=false) | Ogmg | |
fineToCoarseTest() | Ogmg | |
fMG | Ogmg | |
fullMultigrid() | Ogmg | |
fullMultigridWorkUnits | Ogmg | |
fullWeighting enum value | Ogmg | |
GaussSeidel enum value | Ogmg | |
general enum value | Ogmg | |
getCheckFile() | Ogmg | inline |
getCompositeGrid() | Ogmg | inline |
getDefect() | Ogmg | inline |
getDefect(const int &level, const int &grid, realArray &f, realArray &u, const Index &I1, const Index &I2, const Index &I3, realArray &defect, const int lineSmoothOption=-1, const int defectOption=0, real &defectL2Norm=bogusRealArgument1, real &defectMaxNorm=bogusRealArgument2) | Ogmg | |
getGhostLineBoundaryCondition(int bc, int ghostLine, int grid, int level, int &orderOfExtrapolation, aString *bcName=NULL) const | Ogmg | |
getInfoFile() | Ogmg | inline |
getInterpolationCoordinates(CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, const IntegerArray &ib, const int grid, const IntegerArray &gridsToCheck, realSerialArray &rb, const bool isRectangular, int iv0[3], real dx0[3], real xab0[2][3], int iv1[3], real dx1[3], real xab1[2][3]) | Ogmg | |
getInterpolationCoordinates(CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, const IntegerArray &ib, const int grid, const IntegerArray &gridsToCheck, realSerialArray &rb, const bool isRectangular, int iv0[3], real dx0[3], real xab0[2][3], int iv1[3], real dx1[3], real xab1[2][3], InterpolationData &ipd) | Ogmg | |
getInterpolationCoordinates(CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, int i, int grid, int iv[], int jv[], realSerialArray &r, bool isRectangular, int iv0[3], real dx0[3], real xab0[2][3], int iv1[3], real dx[3], real xab[2][3]) | Ogmg | |
getInterpolationCoordinatesNew(CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, const IntegerArray &ib, const RealArray &xa, const int grid, const IntegerArray &gridsToCheck, realSerialArray &rb, const bool isRectangular, int iv0[3], real dx0[3], real xab0[2][3], int iv1[3], real dx1[3], real xab1[2][3], InterpolationData &ipd, IntegerArray &ia0, realSerialArray &donorDist) | Ogmg | |
getInterpolationCoordinatesNewOld(CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, const IntegerArray &ib, const RealArray &xa, const int grid, const IntegerArray &gridsToCheck, realSerialArray &rb, const bool isRectangular, int iv0[3], real dx0[3], real xab0[2][3], int iv1[3], real dx1[3], real xab1[2][3], InterpolationData &ipd) | Ogmg | |
getInterpolationStencil(CompositeGrid &cg0, CompositeGrid &cg1, int i, int iv[3], int grid, int l, intSerialArray &inverseGrid, intSerialArray &interpoleeGrid, intSerialArray &interpoleeLocation, intSerialArray &interpolationPoint, intSerialArray &variableInterpolationWidth, realSerialArray &interpolationCoordinates, realSerialArray &inverseCoordinates) | Ogmg | |
getMaximumResidual() const | Ogmg | |
getMean(realCompositeGridFunction &u) | Ogmg | |
getNumberOfIterations() const | Ogmg | |
getOrderOfExtrapolation(const int level) const | Ogmg | |
getRhs() | Ogmg | inline |
getSingularParameter(int level) | Ogmg | |
grid0DefectPerCycle enum value | Ogmg | |
gridCheckFile | Ogmg | |
gridName | Ogmg | |
halfWidth1 | Ogmg | |
halfWidth2 | Ogmg | |
halfWidth3 | Ogmg | |
infoFile | Ogmg | |
infoFileCaption | Ogmg | static |
init() | Ogmg | |
initializeBoundaryConditions(realCompositeGridFunction &coeff) | Ogmg | |
initializeConstantCoefficients() | Ogmg | |
initialized | Ogmg | |
injection enum value | Ogmg | |
interp | Ogmg | |
interpolant | Ogmg | |
interpolantWasCreated | Ogmg | |
interpolate(realCompositeGridFunction &u, const int &grid=-1, int level=-1) | Ogmg | |
InterpolationQualityEnum enum name | Ogmg | |
ipn | Ogmg | |
isConstantCoefficients | Ogmg | |
iterationCount | Ogmg | |
Jacobi enum value | Ogmg | |
l2Error(const realCompositeGridFunction &u, const realCompositeGridFunction &v) | Ogmg | |
l2Norm(const realCompositeGridFunction &e) | Ogmg | |
l2Norm(const realMappedGridFunction &e) | Ogmg | |
l2NormRightHandSide | Ogmg | |
leftNullVector | Ogmg | |
leftNullVectorIsComputed | Ogmg | |
levelZero | Ogmg | |
lineJacobiInDirection1 enum value | Ogmg | |
lineJacobiInDirection2 enum value | Ogmg | |
lineJacobiInDirection3 enum value | Ogmg | |
lineSmoothIsInitialized | Ogmg | |
lineZebraInDirection1 enum value | Ogmg | |
lineZebraInDirection2 enum value | Ogmg | |
lineZebraInDirection3 enum value | Ogmg | |
markGhostPoints(CompositeGrid &cg) | Ogmg | |
maximumResidual | Ogmg | |
maxNorm(const realCompositeGridFunction &e) | Ogmg | |
maxNorm(const realMappedGridFunction &e) | Ogmg | |
multigridCompositeGrid | Ogmg | |
myid | Ogmg | |
ndipn | Ogmg | |
nipn | Ogmg | |
numberOfCycleResults enum value | Ogmg | |
numberOfCycles | Ogmg | |
numberOfExtraLevels | Ogmg | |
numberOfGridPoints | Ogmg | |
numberOfIBSArrays | Ogmg | |
numberOfInstances | Ogmg | static |
numberOfIterations | Ogmg | |
numberOfSmoothers enum value | Ogmg | |
numberOfSolves | Ogmg | |
numberOfThingsToTime enum value | Ogmg | |
ogesSmoother | Ogmg | |
Ogmg() | Ogmg | |
Ogmg(CompositeGrid &mg, GenericGraphicsInterface *ps=0) | Ogmg | |
operatorAveraging(RealCompositeGridFunction &coeff, const int &level) | Ogmg | |
operatorAveraging(RealMappedGridFunction &coeffFine, RealMappedGridFunction &coeffCoarse, const IntegerArray &coarseningRatio, int grid=0, int level=0) | Ogmg | |
operatorsForExtraLevels | Ogmg | |
OptionEnum enum name | Ogmg | |
orderOfAccuracy | Ogmg | |
outputCycleInfo() | Ogmg | |
outputResults(const int &level, const int &iteration, real &maximumDefect, real &defectNew, real &defectOld) | Ogmg | |
parameters | Ogmg | |
pDebugFile | Ogmg | |
pExactSolution | Ogmg | static |
printStatistics(FILE *file=stdout) const | Ogmg | |
ps | Ogmg | |
psp | Ogmg | |
readLeftNullVector() | Ogmg | |
redBlack enum value | Ogmg | |
removeAdjustmentForSingularProblem(int level, int iteration) | Ogmg | |
restrictedFullWeighting enum value | Ogmg | |
rightNullVector | Ogmg | |
rightNullVectorDotU(const int &level, const RealCompositeGridFunction &u) | Ogmg | |
saveLeftNullVector() | Ogmg | |
set(GenericGraphicsInterface *ps) | Ogmg | |
set(MultigridCompositeGrid &mgcg) | Ogmg | |
setBoundaryConditions(const IntegerArray &boundaryConditions, const RealArray &bcData=Overture::nullRealArray()) | Ogmg | |
setCoefficientArray(realCompositeGridFunction &coeff, const IntegerArray &boundaryConditions=Overture::nullIntArray(), const RealArray &bcData=Overture::nullRealArray()) | Ogmg | |
setCornerBoundaryConditions(BoundaryConditionParameters &bcParams, const int level) | Ogmg | |
setEquationAndBoundaryConditions(OgesParameters::EquationEnum equation, CompositeGridOperators &op, const IntegerArray &boundaryConditions, const RealArray &bcData, const RealArray &constantCoeff=Overture::nullRealArray(), realCompositeGridFunction *variableCoeff=NULL) | Ogmg | |
setGridName(const aString &name) | Ogmg | |
setMean(realCompositeGridFunction &u, const real meanValue, int level) | Ogmg | |
setOgmgParameters(OgmgParameters ¶meters) | Ogmg | |
setOption(OptionEnum option, bool trueOrFalse) | Ogmg | |
setOrderOfAccuracy(const int &orderOfAccuracy) | Ogmg | |
setSolverName(const aString &name) | Ogmg | |
setup(CompositeGrid &mg) | Ogmg | |
sizeOf(FILE *file=NULL) const | Ogmg | virtual |
smooth(const int &level, int numberOfSmoothingSteps, int cycleNumber) | Ogmg | |
smoothBoundary(int level, int grid, int bcOption[6], int numberOfLayers=1, int numberOfIterations=1) | Ogmg | |
SmootherTypeEnum enum name | Ogmg | |
smoothGaussSeidel(const int &level, const int &grid) | Ogmg | |
smoothInterpolationNeighbours(int level, int grid) | Ogmg | |
smoothJacobi(const int &level, const int &grid, int smootherChoice=0) | Ogmg | |
smoothLine(const int &level, const int &grid, const int &direction, bool useZebra=true, const int smoothBoundarySide=-1) | Ogmg | |
smoothRedBlack(const int &level, const int &grid) | Ogmg | |
smoothTest(GenericGraphicsInterface &ps, int plotOption) | Ogmg | |
solve(realCompositeGridFunction &u, realCompositeGridFunction &f) | Ogmg | |
solverName | Ogmg | |
sparse enum value | Ogmg | |
sparseConstantCoefficients enum value | Ogmg | |
sparseVariableCoefficients enum value | Ogmg | |
StencilTypeEnum enum name | Ogmg | |
subSmoothReferenceGrid | Ogmg | |
sumTotalWorkUnits | Ogmg | |
timeForAddition | Ogmg | |
timeForBoundaryConditions enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForBoundarySmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForBuildExtraLevels enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForBuildPredefinedEquations enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForCoarseToFine enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForDefect enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForDefectInSmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForDefectNorm enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForDirectSolver enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForDivision | Ogmg | |
timeForFineToCoarse enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForFineToCoarseBC enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForFullMultigrid enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForGhostBoundaryUpdate enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForInitialize enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForInterpolateCoarseFromFine enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForInterpolation enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForInterpolationSmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForMiscellaneous enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForMultiplication | Ogmg | |
timeForOgesSmootherInit enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForOperatorAveraging enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForRelaxInSmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForSmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForSolve enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForTridiagonalFactorInSmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timeForTridiagonalSolverInSmooth enum value | Ogmg | |
timerGranularity | Ogmg | |
Timing enum name | Ogmg | |
tm | Ogmg | |
totalNumberOfCoarseGridIterations | Ogmg | |
totalNumberOfCycles | Ogmg | |
totalResidualReduction | Ogmg | |
totalWorkUnits | Ogmg | |
TransferTypesEnum enum name | Ogmg | |
tridiagonalSolver | Ogmg | |
uMG | Ogmg | |
uOld | Ogmg | |
update(GenericGraphicsInterface &gi) | Ogmg | |
update(GenericGraphicsInterface &gi, CompositeGrid &cg) | Ogmg | |
updateToMatchGrid(CompositeGrid &mg) | Ogmg | |
useEquationOnGhostLineForDirichletBC(MappedGrid &mg, int level) | Ogmg | |
useEquationOnGhostLineForNeumannBC(MappedGrid &mg, int level) | Ogmg | |
useForcingAsBoundaryConditionOnAllLevels | Ogmg | |
v | Ogmg | |
varCoeff | Ogmg | |
variableCoefficients enum value | Ogmg | |
width1 | Ogmg | |
width2 | Ogmg | |
width3 | Ogmg | |
workUnit | Ogmg | |
workUnits | Ogmg | |
workUnitsPerCycle enum value | Ogmg | |
~Ogmg() | Ogmg |