Version 25
Solve the Compressible Navier-Stokes and Euler equations. More...
#include <Cgcns.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Cgcns (CompositeGrid &cg, GenericGraphicsInterface *ps=NULL, Ogshow *show=NULL, const int &plotOption=1) | |
Constructor for the Cgcns class. | |
virtual | ~Cgcns () |
Destructor. | |
virtual int | applyBoundaryConditions (const real &t, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, const int &grid, const int &option=-1, realMappedGridFunction *puOld=NULL, realMappedGridFunction *pGridVelocityOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.) |
Apply boundary conditions. | |
virtual int | applyBoundaryConditionsForImplicitTimeStepping (realMappedGridFunction &rhs, realMappedGridFunction &uL, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, real t, int scalarSystem, int grid) |
Fill in the boundary conditions for the right-hand-side of the implicit time-stepping equations. | |
virtual int | addConstraintEquation (Parameters ¶meters, Oges &solver, realCompositeGridFunction &coeff, realCompositeGridFunction &ucur, realCompositeGridFunction &rhs, const int &numberOfComponents) |
Add constraint equations to the implicit time-stepping matrix. | |
virtual void | addForcing (realMappedGridFunction &dvdt, const realMappedGridFunction &u, int iparam[], real rparam[], realMappedGridFunction &dvdtImplicit=Overture::nullRealMappedGridFunction(), realMappedGridFunction *referenceFrameVelocity=NULL) |
Add body forcing to du/dt. | |
virtual void | assignTestProblem (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual void | buildImplicitSolvers (CompositeGrid &cg) |
Allocate the appropriate number of implicit solvers (Oges objects) | |
virtual int | buildTimeSteppingDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the dialog that shows the various options for time stepping. | |
virtual void | formMatrixForImplicitSolve (const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf0) |
Form the matrix for implicit time stepping. | |
virtual int | formImplicitTimeSteppingMatrix (realMappedGridFunction &coeff, const real &dt0, int scalarSystem, realMappedGridFunction &uL, const int &grid) |
virtual realCompositeGridFunction & | getAugmentedSolution (GridFunction &gf0, realCompositeGridFunction &v) |
Return a grid function for plotting and for output that may contain extra variables, such as errors or such as the pressure for the compressible NS. | |
virtual int | getInterfaceDataOptions (GridFaceDescriptor &info, int &interfaceDataOptions) const |
Return the interface data required for a given type of interface. | |
virtual void | getTimeSteppingEigenvalue (MappedGrid &mg, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, real &reLambda, real &imLambda, const int &grid) |
Determine the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalue for time stepping. | |
virtual int | getTimeSteppingOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog) |
Look for a time stepping option in the string "answer. | |
virtual int | getUt (const realMappedGridFunction &v, const realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, realMappedGridFunction &dvdt, int iparam[], real rparam[], realMappedGridFunction &dvdtImplicit=Overture::nullRealMappedGridFunction(), MappedGrid *pmg2=NULL, const realMappedGridFunction *pGridVelocity2=NULL) |
Evaluate du/dt for the Navier-Stokes or Euler equations. | |
virtual void | implicitSolve (const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf0) |
Solve the implicit time-stepping equations. | |
virtual int | initializeSolution () |
Initialize the solution, project velocity if required. | |
virtual int | interfaceRightHandSide (InterfaceOptionsEnum option, int interfaceDataOptions, GridFaceDescriptor &info, GridFaceDescriptor &gfd, int gfIndex, real t) |
virtual bool | isImplicitMatrixSingular (realCompositeGridFunction &uL) |
Return true if the implicit time-stepping matrix is singular. | |
virtual void | printTimeStepInfo (const int &step, const real &t, const real &cpuTime) |
Print time-step information about the current solution in a nicely formatted way. | |
virtual int | project (GridFunction &cgf) |
Project the initial conditions of a steady state newton solver on the linear solution. | |
virtual void | saveShowFileComments (Ogshow &show) |
Save comments to the show file that will appear as the top label when viewed with plotStuff. | |
virtual int | setPlotTitle (const real &t, const real &dt) |
Set the plot titles for interactive plotting. | |
virtual int | setupGridFunctions () |
Perform initialization steps for Cgcns; build geometry arrays etc. | |
virtual int | setupPde (aString &reactionName, bool restartChosen, IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition) |
A virtual function to setup the PDE to be solved. | |
virtual int | updateGeometryArrays (GridFunction &cgf) |
Update geometry arrays when the grid has changed (called by adaptGrids for example). | |
virtual int | updateStateVariables (GridFunction &cgf, int stage=-1) |
Ths function is used to update state-variables. For example, the visco plastic viscosity. | |
virtual int | updateToMatchGrid (CompositeGrid &cg) |
Update the solver to match a new grid. | |
virtual void | writeParameterSummary (FILE *) |
Output parameter values to the header information that is printed near the start of the computation. | |
![]() | |
DomainSolver (Parameters &par, CompositeGrid &cg, GenericGraphicsInterface *ps=NULL, Ogshow *show=NULL, const int &plotOption=1) | |
This is the constructor for the base class DomainSolver. | |
virtual | ~DomainSolver () |
Destructor. | |
virtual int | adaptGrids (GridFunction &gf0, int numberOfGridFunctionsToUpdate=0, realCompositeGridFunction *cgf=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *uWork=NULL) |
virtual int | addArtificialDissipation (realCompositeGridFunction &u, real dt) |
virtual int | addArtificialDissipation (realMappedGridFunction &u, real dt, int grid) |
virtual int | addGrids () |
virtual int | advance (real &tFinal) |
virtual void | advanceAdamsPredictorCorrector (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceAdamsPredictorCorrectorNew (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
Advance using an Adams predictor corrector method (new way) | |
virtual void | advanceADI (real &t, real &dt, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
void | advanceForwardEulerNew (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
Advance using an "forward-Euler" method (new way) | |
virtual void | advanceImplicitMultiStep (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceImplicitMultiStepNew (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
Generic advance routine that uses the separate time sub-step functions. | |
virtual int | advanceLineSolve (LineSolve &lineSolve, const int grid, const int direction, realCompositeGridFunction &u0, realMappedGridFunction &f, realMappedGridFunction &residual, const bool refactor, const bool computeTheResidual=false) |
virtual void | advanceMidPoint (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceNewton (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceSecondOrderSystem (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceSteadyStateRungeKutta (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceTrapezoidal (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | advanceVariableTimeStepAdamsPredictorCorrector (real &t0, real &dt0, int &numberOfSubSteps, int &init, int initialStep) |
virtual void | allSpeedImplicitTimeStep (GridFunction &gf, real &t, real &dt0, int &numberOfTimeSteps, const real &nextTimeToPrint) |
virtual int | applyBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, const int &option=-1, int grid_=-1, GridFunction *puOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.) |
virtual int | applyBoundaryConditionsForImplicitTimeStepping (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual int | assignInitialConditions (int gfIndex) |
Assign initial conditions. | |
virtual int | applyFilter (int gfIndex) |
This function applies a spatial filter to the solution in gf[gfIndex]. | |
virtual int | assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, const int &option=-1, int grid_=-1, GridFunction *puOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.) |
virtual void | bodyForcingCleanup () |
This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory. | |
virtual int | boundaryConditionPredictor (const BoundaryConditionPredictorEnum bcpOption, const AdamsPCData &adamsData, const int orderOfExtrapolation, const int mNew, const int mCur, const int mOld, realCompositeGridFunction *puga=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *pugb=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *pugc=NULL, realCompositeGridFunction *pugd=NULL) |
Apply operations required before applying the boundary conditions. E.g. extrapolate the pressure in time for fourth-order INS. | |
virtual int | buildAdaptiveGridOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the dialog that shows the various general options. | |
virtual int | buildAmrGridsForInitialConditions () |
Build the AMR hierarchy of grids for the initial conditions. | |
virtual int | buildForcingOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the dialog that shows the various forcing options. | |
virtual int | buildGeneralOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the dialog that shows the various general options. | |
virtual int | buildGrid (Mapping *&newMapping, int newGridNumber, IntegerArray &sharedBoundaryCondition) |
virtual int | buildOutputOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the output options dialog. | |
virtual int | buildMovingGridOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the dialog that shows the various general options. | |
virtual int | buildPlotOptionsDialog (DialogData &dialog) |
Build the plot options dialog. | |
virtual int | buildRunTimeDialog () |
Build the run time dialog. This dialog appears while a Domain solver is time stepping. | |
void | checkArrays (const aString &label) |
void | checkSolution (const realGridCollectionFunction &u, const aString &title, bool printResults=false) |
int | checkSolution (realMappedGridFunction &u, const aString &title, bool printResults, int grid, real &maxVal, bool printResultsOnFailure=false) |
virtual void | cleanupInitialConditions () |
Cleanup routines after the initial conditions have been assigned. | |
virtual int | computeBodyForcing (GridFunction &gf, const real &tForce) |
Compute the body forcing such as drag models, wake models and heat sources. | |
virtual void | computeNumberOfStepsAndAdjustTheTimeStep (const real &t, const real &tFinal, const real &nextTimeToPrint, int &numberOfSubSteps, real &dtNew, const bool &adjustTimeStep=true) |
virtual void | correctMovingGrids (const real t1, const real t2, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2) |
Corrector step for moving grids. | |
const int & | debug () const |
virtual void | determineErrors (GridFunction &cgf, const aString &label=nullString) |
virtual void | determineErrors (realCompositeGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction **gridVelocity, const real &t, const int options, RealArray &err, const aString &label=nullString) |
virtual void | determineErrors (realMappedGridFunction &v, const real &t) |
virtual void | displayBoundaryConditions (FILE *file=stdout) |
virtual int | displayParameters (FILE *file=stdout) |
Display DomainSolver parameters. | |
virtual int | endTimeStep (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
End an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | endTimeStepFE (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
End an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | endTimeStepIM (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
End an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | endTimeStepPC (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
End an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | endTimeStepAF (real &t0, real &dt0, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
End an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual void | eulerStep (const real &t1, const real &t2, const real &t3, const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3, realCompositeGridFunction &ut, realCompositeGridFunction &uti, int stepNumber, int &numberOfSubSteps) |
void | extrapolateInterpolationNeighbours (GridFunction &gf, const Range &C) |
Extrapolate interpolation neighbours. | |
virtual int | fixupUnusedPoints (realCompositeGridFunction &u) |
virtual int | getAmrErrorFunction (realCompositeGridFunction &u, real t, intCompositeGridFunction &errorFlag, realCompositeGridFunction &error) |
virtual int | getAmrErrorFunction (realCompositeGridFunction &u, real t, realCompositeGridFunction &error, bool computeOnFinestLevel=false) |
const aString & | getClassName () const |
virtual int | getAdaptiveGridOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog) |
: Look for a general option in the string "answer" | |
virtual int | getForcingOption (const aString &command, DialogData &dialog) |
: Look for a forcing option in the string "answer" | |
virtual int | getGeneralOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog) |
: Look for a general option in the string "answer" | |
virtual void | getGridInfo (real &totalNumberOfGridPoints, real dsMin[3], real dsAve[3], real dsMax[3], real &maxMax, real &maxMin, real &minMin) |
Evaluate the min and max grid spacing, total number of grid points etc. | |
virtual void | getGridVelocity (GridFunction &gf0, const real &tGV) |
virtual int | getInitialConditions (const aString &command=nullString, DialogData *interface=NULL, GUIState *guiState=NULL, DialogState *dialogState=NULL) |
Determine the type of initial conditions to assign. | |
int | getMaterialProperties (GridFunction &solution, realCompositeGridFunction &matProp) |
Evaluate the variable material parameters (for plotting for example). | |
real | getMovingGridMaximumRelativeCorrection () |
Return the maximum relative change in the moving grid correction scheme. This is usually only an issue for "light" bodies. | |
bool | getMovingGridCorrectionHasConverged () |
Return true if the correction steps for moving grids have converged. This is usually only an issue for "light" bodies. | |
virtual int | getMovingGridOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog) |
: Look for a general option in the string "answer" | |
const aString & | getName () const |
virtual int | getOutputOption (const aString &command, DialogData &dialog) |
: Look for an output option in the string "answer" | |
const aString & | getPdeName () const |
virtual int | getPlotOption (const aString &answer, DialogData &dialog) |
: Look for a plot option in the string "answer" | |
virtual int | getResidual (real t, real dt, GridFunction &cgf, realCompositeGridFunction &residual) |
Compute the residual for "steady state" solvers. | |
int | getResidualInfo (real t0, const realCompositeGridFunction &residual, real &maximumResidual, real &maximuml2, FILE *file=NULL) |
Compute the max and l2 residuals and optionally output the info to a file. | |
virtual void | getSolutionBounds (const realMappedGridFunction &u, realArray &uMin, realArray &uMax, real &uvMax) |
virtual int | getTimeDependentBoundaryConditions (MappedGrid &mg, real t, int grid=0, int side0=-1, int axis0=-1, ForcingTypeEnum forcingType=computeForcing) |
virtual int | getTimeDerivativeOfBoundaryValues (GridFunction &gf0, const real &t, const int &grid, int side=-1, int axis=-1) |
virtual real | getTimeStep (GridFunction &gf) |
virtual real | getTimeStep (MappedGrid &mg, realMappedGridFunction &u, realMappedGridFunction &gridVelocity, const Parameters::TimeSteppingMethod &timeSteppingMethod, const int &grid) |
int | getTimeStepAndNumberOfSubSteps (GridFunction &cgf, int stepNumber, int &numberOfSubSteps, real &dt) |
Compute a new time step and the number sub-steps to reach the next time to print. | |
virtual void | getUt (GridFunction &cgf, const real &t, RealCompositeGridFunction &ut, real tForce) |
virtual int | initializeInterfaces (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual int | initializeTimeStepping (real &t0, real &dt0) |
Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | initializeTimeSteppingFE (real &t0, real &dt0) |
Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | initializeTimeSteppingIM (real &t0, real &dt0) |
Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | initializeTimeSteppingPC (real &t0, real &dt0) |
Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | initializeTimeSteppingAF (real &t0, real &dt0) |
Initialize the time stepping (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | initializeTurbulenceModels (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual int | interpolate (GridFunction &cgf, const Range &R=nullRange) |
virtual int | interpolateAndApplyBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, GridFunction *uOld=NULL, const real &dt=-1.) |
virtual int | jetInflow (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual void | moveGrids (const real &t1, const real &t2, const real &t3, const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3) |
virtual bool | movingGridProblem () const |
virtual int | newAdaptiveGridBuilt (CompositeGrid &cg, realCompositeGridFunction &u, bool updateSolution) |
const int & | numberOfComponents () const |
virtual int | output (GridFunction &gf0, int stepNumber) |
virtual void | outputHeader () |
Output the main header banner that includes info about the grid and parameters. | |
virtual int | outputProbes (GridFunction &gf0, int stepNumber) |
output probe information at a given time | |
virtual void | outputSolution (realCompositeGridFunction &u, const real &t, const aString &label=nullString, int printOption=0) |
virtual void | outputSolution (const realMappedGridFunction &u, const real &t) |
virtual int | parabolicInflow (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual int | plot (const real &t, const int &optionIn, real &tFinal) |
virtual int | printMemoryUsage (FILE *file=stdout) |
Output information about the memory usage. | |
void | printP (const char *format,...) const |
Domain solver print function with a prefix identifier string. | |
virtual int | printStatistics (FILE *file=stdout) |
Output timing statistics. | |
virtual int | readRestartFile (realCompositeGridFunction &v, real &t, const aString &restartFileName=nullString) |
virtual int | readRestartFile (GridFunction &cgf, const aString &restartFileName=nullString) |
virtual int | saveSequenceInfo (real t0, const realCompositeGridFunction &residual) |
Save sequence info (such as the norm of the residual) into the time history arrays. | |
virtual int | saveSequencesToShowFile () |
Save sequence info to the show file. | |
virtual int | saveRestartFile (const GridFunction &cgf, const aString &restartFileName) |
virtual void | saveShow (GridFunction &gf0) |
Save a solution in the show file. | |
virtual int | setBoundaryConditionsInteractively (const aString &answer, const IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition) |
virtual int | setDefaultDataForBoundaryConditions () |
virtual int | setFinalTime (const real &tFinal) |
Set the time to integrate to. | |
virtual void | setInterfacesAtPastTimes (const real &t1, const real &t2, const real &t3, const real &dt0, GridFunction &cgf1, GridFunction &cgf2, GridFunction &cgf3) |
Assign interface positions for "negative" times. | |
virtual int | setInterfaceBoundaryCondition (GridFaceDescriptor &info) |
Setup an interface boundary condition. | |
void | setName (const aString &name) |
void | setNameOfGridFile (const aString &name) |
Provide the name of the file from which the overlapping grid was read. | |
virtual int | setOgesBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf, IntegerArray &boundaryConditions, RealArray &boundaryConditionData, const int imp) |
virtual int | setParametersInteractively (bool runSetupOnExit=true) |
Assign run-time parameters for the DomainSolver. | |
virtual void | setSensitivity (GUIState &dialog, bool trueOrFalse) |
virtual int | setSolverParameters (const aString &command=nullString, DialogData *interface=NULL) |
Prompt for changes in the solver parameters. | |
virtual void | setup (const real &time=0.) |
Setup routine. | |
virtual int | setupUserDefinedForcing () |
virtual int | setupUserDefinedInitialConditions () |
virtual int | setupUserDefinedMaterialProperties () |
Interactively choose material properties (e.g. rho,mu,lambda for elasticity) | |
virtual int | setVariableBoundaryValues (const real &t, GridFunction &gf0, const int &grid, int side0=-1, int axis0=-1, ForcingTypeEnum forcingType=computeForcing) |
Assign the right-hand-side for variable boundary conditions. | |
virtual int | setVariableMaterialProperties (GridFunction &gf, const real &t) |
Assign variable material properties: user-defined or "body-force" regions. | |
virtual real | sizeOf (FILE *file=NULL) const |
virtual void | smoothVelocity (GridFunction &cgf, const int numberOfSmooths) |
virtual int | solve () |
Solve equations to time tFinal,. | |
virtual void | solveForTimeIndependentVariables (GridFunction &cgf, bool updateSolutionDependentEquations=false) |
: Solve for the pressure given the velocity. | |
virtual int | startTimeStep (real &t0, real &dt0, int ¤tGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | startTimeStepFE (real &t0, real &dt0, int ¤tGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | startTimeStepIM (real &t0, real &dt0, int ¤tGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | startTimeStepPC (real &t0, real &dt0, int ¤tGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | startTimeStepAF (real &t0, real &dt0, int ¤tGF, int &nextGF, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Start an individual time step (a time sub-step function) for an approximate factorization method. | |
virtual void | takeOneStep (real &t, real &dt, int stepNumber, int &numberOfSubSteps) |
Advance one time-step. This function is used by the multi-physics solver Cgmp. | |
virtual int | takeTimeStep (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Take a single time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | takeTimeStepFE (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Take a single time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | takeTimeStepIM (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Take a single time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | takeTimeStepPC (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Take a single time step (a time sub-step function). | |
virtual int | takeTimeStepAF (real &t0, real &dt0, int correction, AdvanceOptions &advanceOptions) |
Take a time step using the approximate factored scheme. | |
virtual int | timeIndependentBoundaryConditions (GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual void | initializeFactorization () |
virtual int | tracking (GridFunction &gf0, int stepNumber) |
const bool & | twilightZoneFlow () const |
virtual int | userDefinedBoundaryValues (const real &t, GridFunction &gf0, const int &grid, int side0=-1, int axis0=-1, ForcingTypeEnum forcingType=computeForcing) |
Assign user specific values for boundary conditions. | |
virtual void | userDefinedCleanup () |
This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory. | |
virtual int | userDefinedGrid (GridFunction &gfct, Mapping *&newMapping, int newGridNumber, IntegerArray &sharedBoundaryCondition) |
virtual int | userDefinedForcing (realCompositeGridFunction &f, GridFunction &gf, const real &tForce) |
User defined forcing. Compute a user defined forcing that will be added to the right-hand side of the equations. This function is called to actually evaluate the user defined forcing The function setupUserDefinedForcing is first called to assign the option and parameters. Rewrite or add new options to this function and to setupUserDefinedForcing to supply your own forcing option. | |
virtual void | userDefinedForcingCleanup () |
This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory. | |
virtual int | userDefinedInitialConditions (CompositeGrid &cg, realCompositeGridFunction &u) |
virtual void | userDefinedInitialConditionsCleanup () |
virtual int | userDefinedMaterialProperties (GridFunction &gf) |
Assign the user defined material properties. | |
virtual void | userDefinedMaterialPropertiesCleanup () |
This routine is called when DomainSolver is finished and can be used to clean up memory. | |
virtual int | userDefinedOutput (GridFunction &gf, int stepNumber) |
virtual int | updateForAdaptiveGrids (CompositeGrid &cg) |
virtual int | updateForMovingGrids (GridFunction &cgf) |
Update the DomainSolver after grids have moved or have been adapted. | |
virtual int | updateForNewTimeStep (GridFunction &gf, const real &dt) |
Update the geometry arrays. | |
virtual int | updateToMatchNewGrid (CompositeGrid &cgNew, IntegerArray &changes, IntegerArray &sharedBoundaryCondition, GridFunction &gf0) |
virtual void | updateTimeIndependentVariables (CompositeGrid &cg0, GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual int | updateVariableTimeInterpolation (int newGrid, GridFunction &cgf) |
virtual int | updateWorkSpace (GridFunction &gf0) |
virtual int | variableTimeStepBoundaryInterpolation (int grid, GridFunction &cgf) |
realCompositeGridFunction & | p () const |
realCompositeGridFunction & | px () const |
realCompositeGridFunction & | rL () const |
realCompositeGridFunction & | pL () const |
realCompositeGridFunction & | rho () const |
realCompositeGridFunction & | gam () const |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | { defaultValue =-1234567 } |
enum | ForcingTypeEnum { computeForcing, computeTimeDerivativeOfForcing } |
enum | BoundaryConditionPredictorEnum { predictPressure, predictPressureAndVelocity } |
enum | InterfaceOptionsEnum { getInterfaceRightHandSide, setInterfaceRightHandSide } |
enum | Dimensions { maximumNumberOfGridFunctionsToUse =4, maximumNumberOfExtraFunctionsToUse =4 } |
enum | ChangesEnum { gridWasAdded =1, gridWasChanged, gridWasRemoved, refinementWasAdded, refinementWasRemoved } |
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static int | getBounds (const realCompositeGridFunction &u, RealArray &uMin, RealArray &uMax, real &uvMax) |
static int | getOriginalBoundaryConditions (CompositeGrid &cg, IntegerArray &originalBoundaryCondition) |
Save the original boundary conditions from the CompositeGrid. | |
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CompositeGrid & | cg |
OgesParameters | pressureSolverParameters |
OgesParameters | implicitTimeStepSolverParameters |
CompositeGridOperators | finiteDifferenceOperators |
real | dt |
int | numberOfStepsTaken |
Parameters & | parameters |
GridFunction | gf [maximumNumberOfGridFunctionsToUse] |
int | current |
int | movieFrame |
aString | movieFileName |
int | numberOfGridFunctionsToUse |
int | numberOfExtraFunctionsToUse |
int | totalNumberOfArrays |
realCompositeGridFunction | fn [maximumNumberOfExtraFunctionsToUse] |
RealArray | variableDt |
RealArray | variableTime |
realArray * | ui |
RealArray | tv |
RealArray | tvb |
RealArray | tv0 |
realCompositeGridFunction | coeff |
int | numberOfImplicitSolvers |
Oges * | implicitSolver |
realCompositeGridFunction * | implicitCoeff |
Oges * | poisson |
realCompositeGridFunction | pressureRightHandSide |
realCompositeGridFunction | poissonCoefficients |
realCompositeGridFunction * | pp |
realCompositeGridFunction * | ppx |
realCompositeGridFunction * | prL |
realCompositeGridFunction * | ppL |
realCompositeGridFunction * | prho |
realCompositeGridFunction * | pgam |
realCompositeGridFunction * | pvIMS |
realCompositeGridFunction * | pwIMS |
realCompositeGridFunction * | previousPressure |
realCompositeGridFunction * | puLinearized |
realMappedGridFunction * | pGridVelocityLinearized |
LineSolve * | pLineSolve |
bool | gridHasMaterialInterfaces |
realCompositeGridFunction * | pdtVar |
std::vector< real > | hMin |
std::vector< real > | hMax |
std::vector< real > | numberOfGridPoints |
std::vector< real > | dtv |
std::vector< real > | realPartOfEigenvalue |
std::vector< real > | imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue |
int | numberSavedToShowFile |
CG_ApproximateFactorization::FactorList | factors |
![]() | |
aString | name |
aString | className |
aString | pdeName |
int | restartNumber |
DialogData * | pUniformFlowDialog |
DialogData * | pStepFunctionDialog |
DialogData * | pShowFileDialog |
DialogData * | pTzOptionsDialog |
int | chooseAComponentMenuItem |
int | numberOfPushButtons |
int | numberOfTextBoxes |
int | itemsToPlot |
Solve the Compressible Navier-Stokes and Euler equations.
Cgcns can be used to solve the compressible Navier-Stokes and reactive Euler equations on moving grids with adaptive mesh refinement.
Cgcns::Cgcns | ( | CompositeGrid & | cg_, |
GenericGraphicsInterface * | ps = NULL , |
Ogshow * | show = NULL , |
const int & | plotOption_ = 1 |
) |
Constructor for the Cgcns class.
cg_ | (input) : use this CompositeGrid. |
ps | (input) : pointer to a graphics object to use. |
show | (input) : pointer to a show file to use. |
plotOption_ | (input) : plot option |
References DomainSolver::cg, DomainSolver::className, DomainSolver::imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue, DomainSolver::name, and DomainSolver::realPartOfEigenvalue.
virtual |
References DomainSolver::parameters.
virtual |
Add constraint equations to the implicit time-stepping matrix.
parameters | (input) : |
solver | (input) : |
coeff | (input) : |
ucur | (input) : |
rhs | (input) : |
numberOfComponents | (input) : |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References a, all, assign(), c, DomainSolver::cg, Parameters::dbase, getIndex(), grid, I1, I2, I3, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), mg, tc, uc, vc, and wc.
Referenced by formMatrixForImplicitSolve().
virtual |
Add body forcing to du/dt.
For flows in the twilight-zone, add twilight-zone forcing.
dvdt | (input/output) : add the explicit body forcing here. |
u | (input) : current solution. |
iparam | (input) : integer parameters |
rparam | (input) : real parameters |
dvdtImplicit | (input/output) : add the implicit body forcing here. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References all, assert(), CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, CnsParameters::conservativeWithArtificialDissipation, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), display(), e, getIndex(), gm1, grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), h, I1, I2, I3, isRectangular, mg, mu, CnsParameters::multiComponentVersion, ok, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), rad, tc, u0, u0y, u0z, uc, ut(), uvt, uvxx, uvyy, uvzz, v0x, v0y, v0z, vc, w0x, w0y, wc, and x.
Referenced by getUt().
virtual |
Apply boundary conditions.
Most the methods implemented in Cgcns use this routine to assign boundary conditions.
t | (input): |
u | (input/output) : apply to this grid function. |
gridVelocity | (input) : the grid velocity if gridIsMoving==true. |
grid | (input) : the grid number if this MappedGridFunction is part of a CompositeGridFunction. |
option | (input): not used here. |
puOld | (input): pointer to the solution at an old time (only used for some BC's). |
pGridVelocityOld | (input): pointer to the grid velocity at an old time (only used for some BC's). |
dt | (input): time step. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References a0, all, assert(), axis, SurfaceEquationFace::axis, Parameters::axisymmetric, boundaryCondition(), Parameters::checkForFloatingPointErrors, DomainSolver::checkSolution(), cnsFarFieldBC, cnsNoSlipBC, cnsNoSlipWallBC, cnsSlipWallBC, cnsSlipWallBC2, CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), dir, dirichlet, dirichletBoundaryCondition, Parameters::dirichletBoundaryCondition, display(), DomainSolver::dt, dx, e, SurfaceEquation::faceList, CnsParameters::farField, ForBoundary, Parameters::getBoundaryData(), getIndex(), Parameters::getKnownSolution(), DomainSolver::getTimeDependentBoundaryConditions(), BoundaryData::getVariableCoefficientBoundaryConditionArray(), SurfaceEquationFace::grid, grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), gridType, BoundaryData::hasVariableCoefficientBoundaryCondition(), i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, Ig1, Ig2, Ig3, Parameters::implicit, inflowWithVelocityGiven, CnsParameters::inflowWithVelocityGiven, INOUTFLOWEXP, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), isRectangular, J1, J2, J3, SurfaceEquation::kThermal, m, maskLocal, mg, mixedCoeff, mixedNormalCoeff, mixedRHS, mu, N(), nc, Parameters::neumannBoundaryCondition, Parameters::noInterface, Parameters::noKnownSolution, normal, noSlipWall, Parameters::noSlipWall, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), Parameters::numberOfGhostPointsNeeded(), Parameters::numberOfPredefinedBoundaryConditionTypes, ok, outflow, CnsParameters::outflow, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), DomainSolver::printP(), DomainSolver::px(), S, SurfaceEquationFace::side, side, slipWall, Parameters::slipWall, Parameters::steadyStateNewton, CnsParameters::subSonicInflow, CnsParameters::subSonicOutflow, CnsParameters::superSonicInflow, CnsParameters::superSonicOutflow, surfaceEquation, symmetry, Parameters::symmetry, tc, Parameters::tractionInterface, DomainSolver::twilightZoneFlow(), u, uc, ue, uex, uey, uLocal, ur, ux, uy, uz, V, BoundaryData::variableCoefficientTemperatureBC, vc, wc, and x.
virtual |
Fill in the boundary conditions for the right-hand-side of the implicit time-stepping equations.
rhs | (input/output) : assign right-hand-side values here |
uL | (input) : holds the linearized solution. |
gridVelocity | (input) : grid velocity |
t | (input) : time |
scalarSystem | (input) : |
grid | (input) : grid number. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References a, all, axis, Parameters::axisymmetric, CNSNOSLIPWALLBCCOEFF, d, Parameters::dbase, dirichlet, dirichletBoundaryCondition, Parameters::dirichletBoundaryCondition, CnsParameters::farField, Parameters::getBoundaryData(), getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), DomainSolver::getTimeDependentBoundaryConditions(), grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), I1, I2, I3, ICNSWALLBCCOEFF, inflowWithVelocityGiven, CnsParameters::inflowWithVelocityGiven, INOUTFLOWCOEFF, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), maskLocal, mg, mu, Parameters::neumannBoundaryCondition, noSlipWall, Parameters::noSlipWall, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), Parameters::numberOfPredefinedBoundaryConditionTypes, oldbc, outflow, CnsParameters::outflow, DomainSolver::parameters, rhs(), rx, s, slipWall, Parameters::slipWall, CnsParameters::subSonicInflow, CnsParameters::subSonicOutflow, CnsParameters::superSonicInflow, CnsParameters::superSonicOutflow, symmetry, Parameters::symmetry, tc, theta, u, uc, uLocal, V, vc, and wc.
virtual |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References assert(), axis, boundaryCondition(), GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::cg, Parameters::dbase, dimension, getIndex(), grid, i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, CnsParameters::laminarFlame, Reactions::mp, mp, Reactions::mw(), MaterialProperties::newtonMeterSquaredPerAtmosphere, DomainSolver::parameters, pc, MaterialProperties::R, s, Reactions::setPressureIsConstant(), Reactions::setPressureLevel(), Reactions::setScales(), side, CnsParameters::subSonicInflow, CnsParameters::subSonicOutflow, tc, GridFunction::u, u, u0, and uc.
virtual |
Allocate the appropriate number of implicit solvers (Oges objects)
cg | (input) : |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References Parameters::dbase, grid, DomainSolver::implicitSolver, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), n, Parameters::noTurbulenceModel, DomainSolver::numberOfImplicitSolvers, DomainSolver::parameters, and printF().
Referenced by setupGridFunctions().
virtual |
Build the dialog that shows the various options for time stepping.
dialog | (input) : |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References assert(), DomainSolver::buildTimeSteppingDialog(), Parameters::dbase, Parameters::numberOfTimeSteppingMethods, and DomainSolver::parameters.
virtual |
References a, all, axis, Parameters::axisymmetric, c, CNSNOSLIPWALLBCCOEFF, d, Parameters::dbase, dirichlet, dirichletBoundaryCondition, Parameters::dirichletBoundaryCondition, CnsParameters::farField, getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), i, I1, I2, I3, ICNSCF, ICNSWALLBCCOEFF, inflowWithVelocityGiven, CnsParameters::inflowWithVelocityGiven, INOUTFLOWCOEFF, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), maskLocal, mg, mu, n, Parameters::neumannBoundaryCondition, noSlipWall, Parameters::noSlipWall, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), Parameters::numberOfPredefinedBoundaryConditionTypes, oldbc, outflow, CnsParameters::outflow, DomainSolver::parameters, rx, s, slipWall, Parameters::slipWall, Parameters::steadyStateNewton, CnsParameters::subSonicInflow, CnsParameters::subSonicOutflow, CnsParameters::superSonicInflow, CnsParameters::superSonicOutflow, symmetry, Parameters::symmetry, tc, theta, u, uc, uLocal, V, vc, and wc.
Referenced by formMatrixForImplicitSolve().
virtual |
Form the matrix for implicit time stepping.
dt0 | (input) : time step used to build the implicit matrix. |
cgf1 | (input) : holds the RHS |
cgf0 | (input) : holds the current state of the solution (used for linearization) |
/// I - \nu \alpha \dt \Delta on implicit grids /// I on explicit grids ///If the form of the boundary conditions for the different components of u are the same then we can build a single scalar matrix that can be used to advance each component, one after the other. If the boundary conditions are not of the same form then we build a matrix for a system of equations for the velocity components (u,v,w).
Note that originally cgf1 from implicitSolve was used to get the time, grid, and operators. We are now using whatever is passed in as "u" to this function. The operators should be the same (?) and the time is used in the debug output. What about the grid though? It can change due to AMR (used with implicit?) as well as from the grid velocity.
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References addConstraintEquation(), all, assert(), GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::cg, DomainSolver::coeff, components, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), formImplicitTimeSteppingMatrix(), Parameters::getComponents(), grid, DomainSolver::implicitSolver, isImplicitMatrixSingular(), mg, n, nc, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), Parameters::numberOfGhostPointsNeeded(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), GridFunction::t, and GridFunction::u.
Referenced by implicitSolve().
virtual |
Return a grid function for plotting and for output that may contain extra variables, such as errors or such as the pressure for the compressible NS.
gf0 | (input) : input grid function. |
v | (input) : grid function to hold the result, IF extra variables area added. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References all, assert(), assign(), cc, GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::cg, CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, dimension, ec, DomainSolver::fn, DomainSolver::getAmrErrorFunction(), Parameters::getDerivedFunction(), GridFunction::getGridVelocity(), getIndex(), Parameters::getKnownSolution(), DomainSolver::gf, grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), I1, I2, I3, includeGhost, Parameters::isAdaptiveGridProblem(), Parameters::isMovingGridProblem(), isRectangular, mask, maskLocal, mg, N(), n, Parameters::noKnownSolution, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), ok, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, pc, residual(), Parameters::steadyStateRungeKutta, GridFunction::t, tc, DomainSolver::twilightZoneFlow(), GridFunction::u, u, u0, uc, uLocal, v, vc, wc, and x.
virtual |
Return the interface data required for a given type of interface.
info | (input) : the descriptor for the interface. |
interfaceDataOptions | (output) : a list of items from Parameters::InterfaceDataEnum that define which data to get (or which data were set). Multiple items are chosen by bit-wise or of the different options |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References axis, GridFaceDescriptor::axis, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), GridFaceDescriptor::grid, grid, Parameters::heatFluxInterface, Parameters::heatFluxInterfaceData, OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, Parameters::positionInterfaceData, DomainSolver::printP(), side, GridFaceDescriptor::side, Parameters::tractionInterface, Parameters::tractionInterfaceData, and Parameters::velocityInterfaceData.
virtual |
Determine the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalue for time stepping.
mg | (input) : grid. |
u | (input) : current solution. |
gridVelocity | (input) : grid velocity. |
reLambda | (output) : real part of the time-stepping eigenvalue. |
imLambda | (output) : imaginary part of the time-stepping eigenvalue. |
grid | (input) : grid number. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References assert(), center, cnsdts, CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), dx, Parameters::getGridIsImplicit(), getIndex(), grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), gridType, I1, I2, I3, DomainSolver::imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), isRectangular, J1, J2, J3, maskLocal, mu, ok, orderOfAccuracy, DomainSolver::p(), DomainSolver::parameters, DomainSolver::pdtVar, printF(), DomainSolver::realPartOfEigenvalue, rx, tc, u, u0, uc, vc, wc, and xab.
virtual |
Look for a time stepping option in the string "answer.
answer | (input) : check this command for a change to the time stepping options |
dialog | (input) : |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References Parameters::adamsBashforth2, Parameters::adamsPredictorCorrector2, Parameters::adamsPredictorCorrector4, assert(), Parameters::backwardEuler, Parameters::crankNicolson, Parameters::dbase, Parameters::forwardEuler, DomainSolver::getTimeSteppingOption(), Parameters::implicit, Parameters::lineImplicit, Parameters::midPoint, Parameters::notImplicit, DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), Parameters::rKutta, Parameters::setGridIsImplicit(), Parameters::steadyStateNewton, Parameters::steadyStateRungeKutta, and Parameters::variableTimeStepAdamsPredictorCorrector.
virtual |
Evaluate du/dt for the Navier-Stokes or Euler equations.
This function will call the appropriate lower level fortran kernel to evaluate the discretization of the equations.
v | (input) : current solution. |
gridVelocity | (input) : grid velocity (if this is a moving grid problem) |
dvdt | (output) : du/dt |
iparam | (input) : integer parameters. |
rparam | (input) : real parameters. |
dvdtImplicit | (output): for implicit methods this contains the ... |
pmg2 | (input) : for moving grids this points to a MappedGrid that holds the mask for the new time level. For non-moving grids this points to the same MappedGrid associated with v. |
pGridVelocity2 | (input) : for moving grids only, supply the grid velocity at time t+dt for moving grids. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References addForcing(), all, assert(), AVJST2D, axis, Parameters::axisymmetric, Parameters::branching, c, CMFDU, CMPDU, CNSDU22, CNSDU22A, CNSDU23, CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, CnsParameters::conservativeWithArtificialDissipation, d, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), display(), DomainSolver::dt, dudr2comp(), DUDR2D, DUDR2DOLD, DUDR3D, DUDR3DOLD, dx, e, eosUserDefined, getGhostIndex(), getIndex(), gm1, grid, Parameters::gridIsMoving(), i1, I1, i2, I2, i3, I3, ICNSRHS, Parameters::igDesensitization, Parameters::ignitionAndGrowth, DomainSolver::imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue, Parameters::implicit, Parameters::isAxisymmetric(), isRectangular, J1, J2, J3, CnsParameters::jwlEOS, k, m, maskLocal, mg, mr, mu, CnsParameters::multiComponentVersion, CnsParameters::multiFluidVersion, N(), CnsParameters::nonConservative, Parameters::noReactions, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), DomainSolver::numberOfStepsTaken, ok, Parameters::oneStep, Parameters::oneStepPress, DomainSolver::outputSolution(), OV_ABORT(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), DomainSolver::printP(), R, DomainSolver::realPartOfEigenvalue, rx, Parameters::showfileForcing, side, Parameters::steadyStateNewton, tc, theta, TZCOMMON, U, u, u0, uc, uLocal, ut(), UU, ux, UX, uxx, UXX, UXY, UXZ, UY, uy, UYY, UYZ, UZ, uz, UZZ, v, vc, and wc.
virtual |
Solve the implicit time-stepping equations.
dt0 | (input) : time step used to build the implicit matrix. |
cgf1 | (input) : holds the RHS |
cgf0 | (input) : holds the current state of the solution (used for linearization) |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References all, assert(), assign(), GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::coeff, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), display(), DomainSolver::dt, formMatrixForImplicitSolve(), grid, DomainSolver::implicitSolver, n, DomainSolver::numberOfImplicitSolvers, DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), DomainSolver::pvIMS, DomainSolver::pwIMS, GridFunction::t, GridFunction::u, and v.
virtual |
Initialize the solution, project velocity if required.
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, GridFunction::conservativeToPrimitive(), DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::dt, e, DomainSolver::fn, DomainSolver::getTimeStep(), DomainSolver::getUt(), DomainSolver::gf, DomainSolver::initializeSolution(), and DomainSolver::parameters.
virtual |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
virtual |
Return true if the implicit time-stepping matrix is singular.
uL | (input) : holds the linearized solution. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References a, DomainSolver::cg, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, Parameters::dbase, grid, Parameters::interpolation, mg, Parameters::noSlipWall, DomainSolver::parameters, s, Parameters::slipWall, and Parameters::steadyStateNewton.
Referenced by formMatrixForImplicitSolve().
virtual |
Print time-step information about the current solution in a nicely formatted way.
step | (input) : current step number. |
t | (input) : time. |
cpuTime | (input) : current cpu time. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References DomainSolver::checkArrays(), CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), DomainSolver::determineErrors(), DomainSolver::dt, DomainSolver::getBounds(), DomainSolver::gf, i, Parameters::isSteadyStateSolver(), n, Parameters::noKnownSolution, DomainSolver::numberOfComponents(), DomainSolver::outputSolution(), DomainSolver::parameters, and uc.
virtual |
Project the initial conditions of a steady state newton solver on the linear solution.
cgf | (input) : project this grid function. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References DomainSolver::advanceNewton(), DomainSolver::cg, DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), DomainSolver::dt, DomainSolver::gf, init, DomainSolver::outputSolution(), DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), s, Parameters::steadyStateNewton, GridFunction::u, and updateToMatchGrid().
virtual |
Save comments to the show file that will appear as the top label when viewed with plotStuff.
show | (input) : show file to use. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, Parameters::dbase, i, mu, and DomainSolver::parameters.
virtual |
Set the plot titles for interactive plotting.
t | (input) : current time |
dt | (input) : current time step |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, Parameters::dbase, mu, CnsParameters::multiComponentVersion, CnsParameters::multiFluidVersion, DomainSolver::parameters, and Parameters::steadyStateNewton.
virtual |
Perform initialization steps for Cgcns; build geometry arrays etc.
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References assert(), buildImplicitSolvers(), DomainSolver::cg, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, CnsParameters::conservativeWithArtificialDissipation, DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::gf, grid, Parameters::implicit, mg, DomainSolver::parameters, DomainSolver::setupGridFunctions(), Parameters::steadyStateNewton, and GridFunction::u.
virtual |
A virtual function to setup the PDE to be solved.
This function is called at the very start in order to setup the equations to be solved etc.
reactionName | (input) : |
restartChosen | (input) : |
originalBoundaryCondition | (input) : |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References assert(), Parameters::branching, DomainSolver::cg, Parameters::chemkinReaction, CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, CnsParameters::conservativeWithArtificialDissipation, DomainSolver::current, Parameters::dbase, equationDomainList, CnsParameters::fortranVersion, Parameters::forwardEuler, DomainSolver::getName(), DomainSolver::getOriginalBoundaryConditions(), DomainSolver::gf, grid, ListOfEquationDomains::gridDomainNumberList, i, CnsParameters::idealGasEOS, Parameters::igDesensitization, Parameters::ignitionAndGrowth, Parameters::ignitionPressureReactionRate, Parameters::implicit, Parameters::interpolatePrimitiveAndPressure, CnsParameters::jwlEOS, CnsParameters::mieGruneisenEOS, CnsParameters::multiComponentVersion, CnsParameters::multiFluidVersion, DomainSolver::name, CnsParameters::nonConservative, Parameters::oneEquationMixtureFraction, Parameters::oneStep, Parameters::oneStepPress, DomainSolver::parameters, Parameters::pdeName, DomainSolver::pdeName, printF(), DomainSolver::readRestartFile(), Parameters::steadyStateNewton, CnsParameters::stiffenedGasEOS, CnsParameters::taitEOS, Parameters::trapezoidal, Parameters::twoEquationMixtureFractionAndExtentOfReaction, GridFunction::u, u, update(), SurfaceEquation::update(), Parameters::updateUserDefinedEOS(), and CnsParameters::userDefinedEOS.
virtual |
Update geometry arrays when the grid has changed (called by adaptGrids for example).
cgf | (input) : |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::cg, CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeWithArtificialDissipation, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), grid, DomainSolver::imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue, mg, DomainSolver::parameters, printF(), DomainSolver::realPartOfEigenvalue, and DomainSolver::updateGeometryArrays().
virtual |
Ths function is used to update state-variables. For example, the visco plastic viscosity.
cgf | (input/output) |
stage | (input) : -1, 0 or 1 |
If stage equals -1 then update state variables at all points.
This function is used at two different stages for each time step. In the first stage, (stage=0) the function is called after the solution has been advanced (but before boundary conditions have been applied) to update any equilibrium state variables (and to limit any reacting species variables). Update all points of state variables that may be needed to apply the boundary conditions.
In the second stage, (stage=1) the function is called after the boundary conditions have been applied. Make sure that the state variables have been updated at all points after this step.
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References GridFunction::cg, DomainSolver::cg, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, Parameters::dbase, DomainSolver::debug(), GridFunction::form, getIndex(), grid, I1, I2, I3, Parameters::igDesensitization, CnsParameters::jwlEOS, mask, mg, CnsParameters::multiComponentVersion, CnsParameters::multiFluidVersion, ok, DomainSolver::parameters, GridFunction::primitiveVariables, printF(), SETEOS, GridFunction::t, GridFunction::u, and u.
virtual |
Update the solver to match a new grid.
cg | (input): composite grid. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References DomainSolver::imaginaryPartOfEigenvalue, DomainSolver::realPartOfEigenvalue, and DomainSolver::updateToMatchGrid().
Referenced by project().
virtual |
Output parameter values to the header information that is printed near the start of the computation.
file | (input) : write infomation to this file. |
Reimplemented from DomainSolver.
References CnsParameters::compressibleMultiphase, CnsParameters::compressibleNavierStokes, CnsParameters::conservativeGodunov, CnsParameters::conservativeWithArtificialDissipation, Parameters::dbase, CnsParameters::exactRiemannSolver, CnsParameters::fortranVersion, CnsParameters::hLLRiemannSolver, CnsParameters::idealGasEOS, CnsParameters::jwlEOS, CnsParameters::mieGruneisenEOS, CnsParameters::multiComponentVersion, CnsParameters::multiFluidVersion, CnsParameters::nonConservative, DomainSolver::parameters, CnsParameters::roeRiemannSolver, CnsParameters::stiffenedGasEOS, CnsParameters::taitEOS, CnsParameters::userDefinedEOS, and DomainSolver::writeParameterSummary().