Version 25
Macros | |
#define | EOSDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(eosdat) |
#define | EOSBURNTDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(eosburntdat) |
#define | GASDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(gasdat) |
#define | SRCPRM EXTERN_C_NAME(srcprm) |
#define | COMDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(comdat) |
#define | CMPSRC EXTERN_C_NAME(cmpsrc) |
#define | CMPRXN EXTERN_C_NAME(cmprxn) |
#define | CMPIGN EXTERN_C_NAME(cmpign) |
#define | CMPFLX EXTERN_C_NAME(cmpflx) |
#define | CMPROM EXTERN_C_NAME(cmprom) |
#define | viscosityCoefficients EXTERN_C_NAME(viscositycoefficients) |
#define | MVARS EXTERN_C_NAME(mvars) |
#define | MJWL EXTERN_C_NAME(multijwl) |
#define | DESEN EXTERN_C_NAME(desensitization) |
#define | IGDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(igdat) |
Variables | |
struct { | |
real omeg [2] | |
real ajwl [2][2] | |
real rjwl [2][2] | |
real vs0 | |
real ts0 | |
real fsvs0 | |
real zsvs0 | |
real vg0 | |
real fgvg0 | |
real zgvg0 | |
real cgcs | |
real heat | |
real eospar [20] | |
} | EOSDAT |
struct { ... } | EOSBURNTDAT |
struct { ... } | viscosityCoefficients |
struct { | |
real gam [2] | |
real gm1 [2] | |
real gp1 [2] | |
real em [2] | |
real ep [2] | |
real ps0 | |
real bgas | |
} | GASDAT |
struct { | |
real delta | |
real rmuc | |
real htrans | |
real cratio | |
real abmin | |
real abmax | |
int isrc | |
} | SRCPRM |
struct { | |
real cfact1 | |
real cfact2 | |
real heat | |
} | COMDAT |
struct { | |
real tol | |
real qmax | |
real qmin | |
int itmax | |
} | CMPSRC |
struct { | |
real sigma | |
real pgi | |
real anu | |
} | CMPRXN |
struct { | |
real sigmai | |
real pfref | |
real ab0 | |
real anui | |
real phieps | |
real phimin | |
} | CMPIGN |
struct { | |
real rtol | |
int lcont | |
} | CMPFLX |
struct { | |
real atol | |
int nrmax | |
} | CMPROM |
struct { | |
int mh | |
int mr | |
int me | |
int ieos | |
int irxn | |
int imult | |
int islope | |
int ifix | |
int ivisco | |
int iupwind | |
int ilimit | |
int ides | |
} | MVARS |
struct { | |
real gm1s [3] | |
real amjwl [2][2] | |
real rmjwl [2][2] | |
real ai [2] | |
real ri [2] | |
real fs0 | |
real fg0 | |
real gs0 | |
real gg0 | |
real fi0 | |
real gi0 | |
real ci | |
real cs | |
real cg | |
real mjwlq | |
real mvi0 | |
real mvs0 | |
real mvg0 | |
real iheat | |
int iterations | |
int newMethod | |
} | MJWL |
struct { ... } | DESEN |
struct { | |
real ra | |
real eb | |
real ex | |
real ec | |
real ed | |
real ey | |
real ee | |
real eg | |
real ez | |
real al0 | |
real al1 | |
real al2 | |
real ai | |
real ag1 | |
real ag2 | |
} | IGDAT |
#define CMPFLX EXTERN_C_NAME(cmpflx) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define CMPIGN EXTERN_C_NAME(cmpign) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define CMPROM EXTERN_C_NAME(cmprom) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define CMPRXN EXTERN_C_NAME(cmprxn) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define CMPSRC EXTERN_C_NAME(cmpsrc) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define COMDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(comdat) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define DESEN EXTERN_C_NAME(desensitization) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define EOSBURNTDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(eosburntdat) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define EOSDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(eosdat) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define GASDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(gasdat) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define IGDAT EXTERN_C_NAME(igdat) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define MJWL EXTERN_C_NAME(multijwl) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define MVARS EXTERN_C_NAME(mvars) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define SRCPRM EXTERN_C_NAME(srcprm) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
#define viscosityCoefficients EXTERN_C_NAME(viscositycoefficients) |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
real ab0 |
real abmax |
real abmin |
real ag1 |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
real ag2 |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
real ai |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
real ajwl[2][2] |
real akappa |
real al0 |
real al1 |
real al2 |
real amjwl[2][2] |
real amu |
real anu |
Referenced by Cgasf::getTimeSteppingEigenvalue(), and Cgasf::getUt().
real anui |
real atol |
real bgas |
real cfact1 |
real cfact2 |
real cg |
Referenced by CGINS_ApproximateFactorization::INS_Factor::addExplicitContribution(), Maxwell::advanceDSI(), DeformingBodyMotion::advanceElasticShell(), Maxwell::advanceFDTD(), Maxwell::advanceNFDTD(), Maxwell::advanceSOSUP(), Maxwell::advanceUnstructuredDSIMV(), GridFunctionFilter::applyFilter(), Maxwell::assignBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell::assignInitialConditions(), Maxwell::assignInterfaceBoundaryConditions(), Maxwell::buildVariableDissipation(), checkForSymmetry(), Maxwell::computeIntensity(), Maxwell::computeTimeStep(), CnsParameters::conservativeToPrimitive(), Maxwell::defineRegionsAndBodies(), Maxwell::displayBoundaryConditions(), F90_ID(), for(), Maxwell::getAugmentedSolution(), Parameters::getBodyForceRegionsOption(), Maxwell::getChargeDensity(), AsfParameters::getDerivedFunction(), CnsParameters::getDerivedFunction(), Parameters::getDerivedFunction(), Maxwell::getEnergy(), Maxwell::getErrors(), FlowSolutions::getFlowSolution(), Maxwell::getForcing(), Parameters::getKnownSolution(), Maxwell::getMaxDivergence(), AsfParameters::getNormalForce(), InsParameters::getNormalForce(), CnsParameters::getNormalForce(), FlowSolutions::getSupersonicExpandingFlow(), InsParameters::getTurbulenceModelVariables(), InsParameters::getTwoPhaseFlowVariables(), InsParameters::getViscoPlasticVariables(), if(), initialConditionsFromAProfile(), InterfaceTransfer::initialize(), Maxwell::initializeInterfaces(), Maxwell::initializeKnownSolution(), Maxwell::initializePlaneMaterialInterface(), Maxwell::initializeRadiationBoundaryConditions(), DeformingBodyMotion::integrate(), Maxwell::interactiveUpdate(), main(), MovingGrids::moveDeformingBodies(), MovingGrids::moveGrids(), Maxwell::outputHeader(), Maxwell::outputResultsAfterEachTimeStep(), Maxwell::plot(), CnsParameters::primitiveToConservative(), Maxwell::printMemoryUsage(), Maxwell::printStatistics(), Maxwell::project(), Maxwell::projectInterpolationPoints(), ProjectVelocity::projectVelocity(), GridFunction::put(), rigidBodyBoundaryProjection(), MovingGrids::rigidBodyMotion(), Maxwell::saveSequencesToShowFile(), Maxwell::saveShow(), Maxwell::setBoundaryCondition(), Cgmp::setParametersInteractively(), Cgmp::setup(), Cgmp::setupDomainSolverParameters(), Maxwell::setupDSICoefficients(), Maxwell::setupGridFunctions(), Maxwell::setupGrids(), Maxwell::setupUserDefinedForcing(), Maxwell::setupUserDefinedInitialConditions(), Maxwell::smoothDivergence(), ProjectVelocity::smoothVelocity(), Maxwell::solve(), CGINS_ApproximateFactorization::INS_Factor::solveLeftHandSide(), CGINS_ApproximateFactorization::INS_Factor::solveRightHandSide(), DomainSolver::takeTimeStepAF(), InterfaceTransfer::transferData(), Maxwell::updateProjectionEquation(), DeformingBodyMotion::userDefinedDeformingSurface(), userDefinedErrorEstimator(), Maxwell::userDefinedForcing(), Maxwell::userDefinedInitialConditions(), and Maxwell::usingPMLBoundaryConditions().
real cgcs |
real ci |
real ckap1 |
real ckap2 |
real ckap3 |
struct { ... } CMPFLX |
struct { ... } CMPIGN |
struct { ... } CMPROM |
struct { ... } CMPRXN |
struct { ... } CMPSRC |
real cmu1 |
real cmu2 |
real cmu3 |
struct { ... } COMDAT |
real cratio |
real delta |
struct { ... } DESEN |
real eb |
real ec |
Referenced by Cgins::addForcing(), Cgins::addForcingToPressureEquation(), Cgins::applyBoundaryConditionsForImplicitTimeStepping(), Cgcns::getAugmentedSolution(), Cgsm::getAugmentedSolution(), Cgins::getAugmentedSolution(), DomainSolver::getAugmentedSolution(), CnsParameters::saveParametersToShowFile(), CnsParameters::setParameters(), and CnsParameters::setTwilightZoneFunction().
real ed |
real ee |
real eg |
real em[2] |
Referenced by Cgins::advanceLineSolveNew(), and Cgins::advanceLineSolveOld().
struct { ... } EOSBURNTDAT |
struct { ... } EOSDAT |
real eospar[20] |
real ep[2] |
Referenced by Maxwell::getForcing(), INSBFU2D(), INSBFU3D(), INSBFV2D(), INSBFV3D(), INSBFW3D(), Maxwell::setupDSICoefficients(), and userDefinedErrorEstimator().
real ex |
Referenced by if().
real ey |
Referenced by if().
real ez |
Referenced by if().
real fg0 |
real fgvg0 |
real fi0 |
real fs0 |
real fsvs0 |
real gam[2] |
struct { ... } GASDAT |
real gg0 |
real gi0 |
real gm1[2] |
Referenced by Cgcns::addForcing(), PistonMotion::getFlow(), FlowSolutions::getPistonFlow(), Cgcns::getUt(), and ogfTaylor().
real gm1s[3] |
real gp1[2] |
Referenced by FluidPiston::fluidSolidRiemannProblem(), PistonMotion::getFlow(), and FlowSolutions::getPistonFlow().
real gs0 |
real heat |
real htrans |
int ides |
int ieos |
int ifix |
struct { ... } IGDAT |
real iheat |
int ilimit |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
int imult |
int irxn |
int islope |
int isrc |
int iterations |
int itmax |
Referenced by PenaltyWallFunctionBC::getShearStresses().
int iupwind |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
int ivisco |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
int lcont |
int me |
int mh |
struct { ... } MJWL |
real mjwlq |
int mr |
Referenced by RigidBodyMotion::dirkImplicitSolve(), and Cgcns::getUt().
struct { ... } MVARS |
real mvg0 |
real mvi0 |
real mvs0 |
int newMethod |
int nrmax |
real omeg[2] |
real pfref |
real pgi |
real phieps |
real phimin |
real ps0 |
real qmax |
real qmin |
real ra |
real ri[2] |
real rjwl[2][2] |
real rmjwl[2][2] |
real rmuc |
real rtol |
real sigma |
Referenced by Cgins::addForcing(), Cgins::addForcingToPressureEquation(), Reactions::checkChemicalSourceJacobian(), Reactions::chemicalSource(), Cgasf::computeSource(), convergenceRate(), getSpalartAllmarasParameters(), main(), Cgins::turbulenceModels(), and DomainSolver::userDefinedInitialConditions().
real sigmai |
struct { ... } SRCPRM |
real tol |
Referenced by checkForSymmetry(), findStartOfCPlusCharacteristic(), FluidPiston::fluidSolidRiemannProblem(), PistonMotion::getFlow(), FlowSolutions::getPistonFlow(), PenaltyWallFunctionBC::getShearStresses(), InsParameters::getViscoPlasticVariables(), main(), muFromPmu(), DomainSolver::setupGridFunctions(), and MovingGrids::update().
real ts0 |
real vg0 |
Referenced by CnsParameters::setUserDefinedParameters().
struct { ... } viscosityCoefficients |
real vs0 |
real zgvg0 |
real zsvs0 |