CG  Version 25
commonMacros.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


This file contains some
commonly used macros c
Define macros for the
derivatives based on the 
This file contains some
commonly used macros c
Define macros for the
derivatives based on the order
of accuracy and grid type stop
stop stop stop 
This file contains some
commonly used macros c
Define macros for the
derivatives based on the order
of accuracy and grid type stop
stop stop stop 
This file contains some
commonly used macros c
Define macros for the
derivatives based on the order
of accuracy and grid type stop
stop stop stop AD24 c 
This file contains some
commonly used macros c
Define macros for the
derivatives based on the order
of accuracy and grid type stop
stop stop stop AD24 c SPAL c 
This file contains some
commonly used macros c
Define macros for the
derivatives based on the order
of accuracy and grid type stop
stop stop stop AD24 c SPAL c 

Variable Documentation

c********************************************************************** c This file contains some commonly used macros c********************************************************************** c Define macros for the derivatives based on the order of accuracy and grid type stop stop stop stop AD4
c********************************************************************** c This file contains some commonly used macros c********************************************************************** c Define macros for the derivatives based on the order of accuracy and grid type stop stop stop stop c
Initial value:
c Input:
c********************************************************************** c This file contains some commonly used macros c********************************************************************** c Define macros for the derivatives based on the dimension
c********************************************************************** c This file contains some commonly used macros c********************************************************************** c Define macros for the derivatives based on the order of accuracy and grid type stop stop stop stop AD24 c SPAL c Output
c********************************************************************** c This file contains some commonly used macros c********************************************************************** c Define macros for the derivatives based on the order of accuracy and grid type stop stop stop stop AD24 c TURBULENCE_MODEL
c********************************************************************** c This file contains some commonly used macros c********************************************************************** c Define macros for the derivatives based on the order of accuracy and grid type stop stop stop stop AD24 c SPAL c v

Referenced by DeformingBodyMotion::advanceElasticShell(), Maxwell::advanceUnstructuredDSI(), Cgasf::allSpeedImplicitTimeStep(), applyFourthOrderBoundaryConditionsOld(), Cgmp::buildRunTimeDialog(), Cgsm::buildRunTimeDialog(), Maxwell::buildRunTimeDialog(), DomainSolver::buildRunTimeDialog(), Cgsm::buildVariableDissipation(), Maxwell::buildVariableDissipation(), ProjectVelocity::computeDivergence(), Maxwell::computeIntensity(), Cgasf::computeSource(), CnsParameters::conservativeToPrimitive(), convertToVertexCentered(), Cgins::determineErrors(), DomainSolver::determineErrors(), DomainSolver::eulerStep(), F90_ID(), Cgcns::getAugmentedSolution(), Cgsm::getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell::getAugmentedSolution(), Maxwell::getCenters(), RigidBodyMotion::getCoordinates(), AsfParameters::getDerivedFunction(), CnsParameters::getDerivedFunction(), InsParameters::getDerivedFunction(), InsParameters::getTurbulenceModelVariables(), InsParameters::getTwoPhaseFlowVariables(), Cgad::getUt(), Cgcns::getUt(), Cgasf::getUt(), Cgins::getUt(), Maxwell::getValuesFDTD(), Cgsm::getVelocityAndStress(), InsParameters::getViscoPlasticVariables(), Cgad::implicitSolve(), Cgcns::implicitSolve(), Cgins::implicitSolve(), Cgins::initializeTurbulenceModels(), ogfTaylor(), DomainSolver::output(), Cgmp::plot(), Maxwell::plot(), Cgsm::plot(), DomainSolver::plot(), CnsParameters::primitiveToConservative(), RigidBodyMotion::put(), Maxwell::saveShow(), Cgsm::saveShow(), DomainSolver::saveShow(), Maxwell::smoothDivergence(), ProjectVelocity::smoothVelocity(), DomainSolver::smoothVelocity(), Cgasf::solveForAllSpeedPressure(), DomainSolver::takeTimeStepFE(), DomainSolver::updateToMatchNewGrid(), userDefinedErrorEstimator(), and DomainSolver::userDefinedGrid().